In February, I attended a World Marriage Day celebration at my church—an annual mass for couples throughout our diocese celebrating silver and gold wedding anniversaries. Except for priests and other altar officiants, I was the only unmarried person there. Normally, I’d run for the hills rather than attend an event where I’d feel like a sore thumb in the midst of anything approaching those odds. But this time, I volunteered to be there, and I’m glad I did.
I serve on the church’s Lector Guild. A few weeks before the marriage celebration, our organizer emailed the group and requested two volunteers to read the Old and New Testament passages for the day. I instantly recoiled at the thought. Seconds later, I wrote back and offered to serve. The realization had dawned on me that the very things we are often called to do are those we fear the most. And for me, being in that sanctuary among dozens of adoring couples celebrating their enduring nuptials was one of them. (Read the rest of the article here at the Institute for Family Studies and then come back to this blog and share your own story of courage and facing your fears. By sharing our stories, we can also share our joy, inspire others, and let them know they're not alone!)
Cathedral of St. John the Baptist
Disassembly Required
divorce court
divorce recovery
how to survive an affair
moving on after divorce
World Marriage Day
" Ostensibly about the break-up of her marriage and loss of her dream house, a four-story Victorian brownstone in Brooklyn's Carroll Gardens neighborhood, Beverly Willett's absorbing memoir is really about finding a home in one's own skin. A delight."
Courtney Hargrave, Author of Burden: A Preacher, A Klansman and a True Story of Redemption in the Modern South, a major motion picture starring Forest Whitaker
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